So, in the end..

People will leave, no matter what they say.

Am I angry? Resentful? Disappointed? It’s hard to admit it, but I feel that I am. I feel that I am being let down. After assuring me…

that he/she will make up for it once everything is resolved from his/her end.

I guess, now, things here at my end no longer serve much purpose.

In the end, this experience may be teaching me a bitter lesson that I should prioritize my own self interests more.

I must tell myself

People move on. People pave paths and when it leads further, I must weigh in if looking back will serve them much benefit.

If not, I shouldn’t expect them to and shouldn’t put too much consideration on having my own path cause inconvenience to theirs.

Cause in the end, being resentful of them moving forward without me, will only paint me the villain

And ultimately, will serve no benefit for me.